Peshtemal Turkish--Black Sea

Peshtemal is a woven fabric used in Turkishbaths to cover the waist down or to keep clothes from getting dirty while working. It is also a traditional clothing that is still being used by women at Eastern Black Sea, Turkey. The ones that contain silk are called “Fota” or “Futa” The word “peshtemal” itself has Persion roots. A peshtemal often has colored stripes as pattern. It is made of linen or cotton. Its length is more than a meter (about more than 3 feet) and its width is about seventy five to eighty centimeters (about 2,5 feet). Peshtemals used to have stitcheries at both sides. Also there are some peshtemals that are brocaded. Some peshtemals used to have some writings on it, mostly poems.

Peshtemal is used in very different ways. The first usage way of Anatolian peshtemal is in Turkish baths. They vary from men to women. Men use it from the waist down and women use it from the armpit down. Its width is larger and the sides of it have tassels. The other usage way is wearing peshtemals as clothes. This kind of peshtemal usually has stripes, patterns and made of cotton and is called “dolay peshtemal” in some regions. It can be used at farms, gardens, homes, bazaars as aprons. Its color and measurement vary from regions. For the Black Sea region, peshtemals are; red and white between Inebolu and Akcaabat, red and black at Surmene, pale orange and black at Rize. And finally at Artvin people usually wear black peshtemals. Where can I find cheap peshtemal Turkish towel? You may want to visit to buy cheapest and the best quality of Turkish towels. You may find lots of beach and bathroom towels at Online Turkish Products Store.
